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Fire Plume's Heart is a legendary warrior spell card, from the Journey to Un'Goro set.

Generated cards[]



Fire Plume Ridge is a volcano in Un'Goro Crater. It contains fire elementals which drop Essence of Fire, an ingredient used for crafting Sulfuron Hammer.

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Fire Plume Ridge is the volcano in the center of Un'Goro Crater. Lava flows down the sides of the mountain, where Fire Elementals can be found. The strongest of all fire elementals in Un'Goro, Blazerunner, lives within a cave at its peak.
The hottest place in the ridge is apparently 428,000 degrees Kraklenheit.
Ringo came to the ridge to explore and ended up getting lost and now suffers from heat exhaustion, he can be found in the southern cave.


  • Notably, Sulfuras is one of three Legendary weapons pre-Kobolds and Catacombs; There are other cards such as Atiesh that are generated by other Legendary cards, but Sulfuras is one of few to have a dragon at the top of the card frame, which represents that it is Legendary. The other Legendary weapons are Ashbringer and Blood Fury.


Fire Plume's Heart full

Fire Plume's Heart, full art
