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Felsoul Inquisitor is a common neutral minion card, from the The Witchwood set.



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Inquisitors are a race of demons in service of the Burning Legion. They're horrific fel casters who see through their floating eyes and specialize in dark pacts. Of all the foul creatures that serve the Legion, the hooded inquisitors are perhaps the most mysterious, and most menacing.

Felsoul Inquisitors are inquisitors found in Suramar.


  • The flavor text is a reference to the Spanish Inquisition sketches from Monty Python's Flying Circus, their notable catchphrase being "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!"


Felsoul Inquisitor full

Felsoul Inquisitor, full art

Inquisitor WoW

An inquisitor in World of Warcraft.
