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Fearsome Doomguard is a common warlock minion card, from the Grand Tournament set.

The doomguard, or doom guard, are a type of demonic warrior of the ered'ruin species that used to work as Archimonde's personal escort, and continue to serve the Burning Legion with great fervor.
Powerful and deliberate, these winged aberrations are known across the cosmos for their brutality. The doomguard are utterly devoted to their pit lord masters and revel in the destruction of worlds.
- This is the first class minion to be added to the game with no abilities.
- Wilfred Fizzlebang claimed to be trying to summon a "Fearsome Doomguard" when he summoned Lord Jaraxxus.[1]
- The artwork for this card comes from the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game "Betrayal of the Guardian" series, for the card Doomguard Soldier.
Fearsome Doomguard was voiced by , who also voiced cards including Grim Patron, Rend Blackhand, Axe Flinger and Baron Geddon.
Fearsome Doomguard, full art