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Evil Heckler is a common neutral minion card, from the Grand Tournament set.
- This card's art specifically depicts Dalronn the Controller, as depicted in the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game "Icecrown" series. Dalronn was originally depicted wearing a skull crown, but this was removed before release. This was apparently done due to China's regulations about depicting bones, so that it would not be necessary to provide two different versions of the card art, as they had to with The Skeleton Knight.[1]
- This card's summon quotes are a reference to a scene in the 1975 comedy film Monty Python and the Holy Grail, where a French soldier heckles King Arthur with the following line: "Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!"[2]
- An individual very similar in appearance to the Evil Heckler appears as a minor background character in Forest for the Weary, one of three web comics released prior to the launch of Knights of the Frozen Throne. At the end of the comic, after the Pompous Thespian has finished telling his tale, the heckler states that he is confused about the motivations of the "vampire orc" from the tale and wonders what he got out of the ordeal.
Evil Heckler, full art