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Elise Starseeker is a legendary neutral minion card, from the League of Explorers set.

Generated cards[]



Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 168 logoGameplay - Core (Hydra) - NeutralOut of Your LeaguePlay 75 members of the League of Explorers from the Year of the Hydra.10 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 168 logoGameplay - Core (Hydra) - NeutralOut of Your LeaguePlay 150 members of the League of Explorers from the Year of the Hydra.10 Achievement Point


The night elf Elise Starseeker is original to Hearthstone.

"Do you have the artifact?"
Known to most by her code name, The Cartographer, the mysterious Elise is the mastermind behind countless successful League operations.
She's got a lead on the long-lost Staff of Origination - and she needs your help to find it![1]
"Elise has been on hundreds of League expeditions, she's created a huge catalog of maps and charts, she loves navigation and cartography, but her biggest joy is locating ancient artifacts, that are so old that they are just whispered about in taverns."[2]

For her role in The League of Explorers, see The League of Explorers.

Elise returns in Journey to Un'Goro as a new card, Elise the Trailblazer. She also appears in the trailer for the expansion, leading an expedition to Un'Goro Crater and explaining its dangers to a group of children following her.

Elise returns once more in Saviors of Uldum with the rest of the League of Explorers to stop the League of E.V.I.L.'s plans in Uldum, this time being known as Elise the Enlightened.



Elise Starseeker full

Elise Starseeker, full art

Elise Starseeker - trailer

In the The League of Explorers trailer

Elise Starseeker promo

