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This page lists cards with card art depicting dinosaurs.

For general beasts, see Beast art.


King Krush WoW

A devilsaur in World of Warcraft

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Dinosaurs or simply dinos, are large, powerful reptiles who come in a wide array of shapes and sizes. They are mainly found in tropical areas, such as the Un'Goro Crater in southern Kalimdor, the Sholazar Basin in Northrend, or on the islands of the South Seas such as Zandalar and the Isle of Giants.
Trolls commonly tame and ride dinosaurs. A common rite of passage among the Zandalar tribe is to travel to one of the violent, beast-ruled islands near the capital to steal or subdue a wild creature. The lesser troll races have their own, humbler versions of this tradition, but the mastery of ravasaurs or raptors is nothing compared to the power required to call upon a devilsaur or direhorn.
The term "dinomancer" applies to individuals who either tame dinosaurs, whether by normal means or magically as well as those who transform into dinosaurs.


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Dinosaur art[]

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