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Death Coil is an uncollectible spell card, generated by The Lich King and Arfus.

For more information, see The Lich King and Arfus.

Generated by[]

Transfer Student
The Lich King


Death Coil is a level 55 Unholy death knight ability which fires a blast of unholy energy at a target enemy, dealing Shadow damage and restoring 10 energy to the death knight's ghoul minion.

The ability was first used by the Death Knight unit in Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness, where it created a field of dark energy that drained the life-force of any who came in contact with it before restoring health to the death knight. The spell saw a return with the Death Knight hero unit in Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, where it could either be used to damage an enemy living unit or heal a friendly undead unit.



Death Coil full

Death Coil, full art
