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Darnassus Aspirant is a rare druid minion card, from the Grand Tournament set.



This minion is an Aspirant representing Darnassus, the capital of the night elves.

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Darnassus (aka Darnassus City) is the capital city of the night elves of the Alliance. The high priestess, Tyrande Whisperwind, resides in the Temple of the Moon, surrounded by other sisters of Elune and her mate, the Arch-Druid Malfurion Stormrage.
Darnassus is the greatest city of the night elves, housing the leaders of both the druids and the faithful of Elune. It is carefully guarded by Sentinels, ancient protectors, and ancients of war.

From the official site:

Atop the massive boughs of the second World Tree, Teldrassil, lies the wondrous city of Darnassus. The elegant bridges, beautiful groves, and leaf-covered pathways that dot the city’s landscape are testaments to the night elves’ reverence for nature. One of Darnassus’s most notable structures is the stunning Temple of the Moon, the center of worship for High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind and her Sisters of Elune.
Darnassus is home to night elves of all vocations, and the city has recently opened its doors to human refugees from Gilneas as well. Many of these embattled humans have contracted a strange curse that transforms them into feral wolf-beasts known as worgen. Although they’re usually reclusive, the night elves have allowed these outsiders into Darnassus because they know the perils of the Gilneans’ cursed state all too well: it was, in fact, a group of night elf druids that created Azeroth’s first worgen millennia ago. Despite the arrival of these new residents, Darnassus remains a symbol of the night elves’ rich culture and glorious history.


  • During Patch (TGT patch), if you had 10 full Mana Crystals when the Aspirant was summoned (having played Darnassus Aspirant for 0 mana), you would drop to 9/10 Mana Crystals, due to a full Mana Crystal being replaced by a new, empty one.[1] This bug was fixed in Patch (2015-09-29): Darnassus Aspirant's Battlecry now correctly does not activate if you already have 10 Mana Crystals when you play it (regardless if they are filled or empty).


Darnassus Aspirant full

Darnassus Aspirant, full art

Darnassus TCG

The city of Darnassus, in the TCG

