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Dalaran Fountain Golem is a boss that can be encountered in The Dalaran Heist adventure.

Hero Power[]

Normal Heroic


The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

These decks correspond only to level 6 in Chapter 5. If this boss is encountered on levels 4-5, his deck will be missing 5 random cards.

Normal Heroic
Class Card Quantity Class Cards Quantity
Shaman Sludge Slurper 2 Mage Ice Lance 1
Brrrloc 2 Snap Freeze 2
Ghost Light Angler 2 Snowchugger 2
Soul of the Murloc 2 Coldwraith 2
Underbelly Angler 2 Water Elemental 1
Ice Breaker 2 Cryomancer 1
Storm Chaser 2 Blizzard 1
Tidal Surge 2 Shaman Brrrloc 1
Voodoo Hexxer 2 Devolve 1
Moorabi 1 Ice Fishing 2
The Mistcaller 1 Underbelly Angler 1
The Storm Bringer 1 Siltfin Spiritwalker 1
Everyfin is Awesome 2 Voodoo Hexxer 1
Neptulon 1 Moorabi 1
Walking Fountain 2 Neptulon 1
Neutral Primalfin Lookout 2 Neutral Grimscale Oracle 1
Murloc Tastyfin 2 Murloc Tidecaller 1
Toxfin 1
Bluegill Warrior 1
Rockpool Hunter 1
Coldlight Oracle 1
Murloc Warleader 1
Primalfin Lookout 1
Murloc Tastyfin 1
Frost Elemental 1



Dalaran Fountain Golem

Emote Response

Dalaran Fountain Golem


Dalaran Fountain Golem


Dalaran Fountain Golem


The Dalaran Fountain Golem is connected to the famous Dalaran fountain, a wishing well located in the city's Eventide district. Notably, players can fish from the fountain in both the Wrath of the Lich King and Legion versions of Dalaran, with a chance to fish up a wide variety of lucky coins thrown into the well by some of Azeroth's most famous figures, such as Arthas Menethil, Fandral Staghelm, Jaina Proudmoore, Kel'Thuzad, Maiev Shadowsong, Medivh, and Sylvanas Windrunner. The coins all feature flavor text apparently reflecting the wishes made by the coins' owners when they first tossed them into the fountain.

Visually, Walking Fountain partially resembles a lion seal, apparently due to the lion seal statue that adorns the Dalaran fountain. It also seems to be accompanied by the small statues of frenzies, a type of carnivorous fish.


Dalaran Fountain Golem full

Dalaran Fountain Golem, full art

Dalaran fountain WoW

The Dalaran fountain in World of Warcraft.
