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Dagg Cruelmight is a boss that can be encountered in The Dalaran Heist adventure.

Hero Power[]

Normal Heroic


The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

Total cards Normal Heroic
Class Possible cards Class Possible cards
20; 25 Warrior Inner Rage Warrior Inner Rage
Blood to Ichor Warbot
Devastate Whirlwind
Whirlwind Commanding Shout
Armorsmith Rampage
Cleave Warpath
Rampage Frothing Berserker
Sleep with the Fishes Ravaging Ghoul
Ravaging Ghoul Val'kyr Soulclaimer
Bloodhoof Brave Blood Razor
Arcanite Reaper Brawl
Brawl Security Rover
Sea Reaver Gorehowl
Rotface Grommash Hellscream
Neutral Elven Archer Neutral Argent Squire
Cheaty Anklebiter Amani Berserker
Defender of Argus Acolyte of Pain
Big Game Hunter Raging Worgen
The Black Knight Gurubashi Berserker



Dagg Cruelmight
You are not long for this world.
Captain Eudora
What are ya gonna do, kill me with corniness?
You is stopping being so rude now!
Mr. Chu
And you are nothing more than a common bully.

Emote Response

Dagg Cruelmight
You know it's nice to have someone to talk to.

Hero Power

Dagg Cruelmight
Be crushed beneath my might!
I will flatten you beneath my boots.
I'm angry because of low self ESTEEM!
I'm jealous that your minions are BETTER!
I'm just projecting my issues onto YOU!
The strong trample the weak!
Tremble and BREAK!
Worthless! Pathetic!
You will be forgotten!
You'll never amount to anything!


Dagg Cruelmight
I feel like my insults have been lacking lately...
Oh I had a great one lined up this morning...
What do I yell at next...

Boss cards

Dagg Cruelmight
Fight! Fight! Fight!
I-I'm not compensating for anything...

Player's cards

Dagg Cruelmight
Inner Rage
Seeth with rage!
Yeah! Get 'em! They were weak anyways!
Burgly Bully
Oh hey Billy! How's the bullying going?
Any dragon
Hiding behind a big ol' beast, huh?


Dagg Cruelmight


Dagg Cruelmight


Dagg Cruelmight is unique to Hearthstone.


Dagg Cruelmight full

Dagg Cruelmight, full art
