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Countess Ashmore is a legendary neutral minion card, from the The Witchwood set.



Ashmore is unique to Hearthstone. Though she is disguised as an elf, she is actually a member of the blue dragonflight.[1]

The Countess is an enigma. No one in Gilneas seems to have heard of her noble line prior to the Witchwood curse, but suddenly, the records show an Ashmore family tree stretching all the way back to pre-Alliance days, written in a hand none of the royal scribes recognize. She’s taken up residence in an old manor that’s been abandoned since before the first battle of Gilneas, but while some claim that many voices can be heard emerging from the old estate, she’s the only one who’s been seen entering or leaving. Rumor has it that she’s researching the curse, and she’s been seen asking questions of those who claim to have witnessed dragons in the wood.
Is she truly the scion of a forgotten noble family returned home in a time of great need? Or something much more dangerous?[2]


  • Her flavor text references Count von Count from Sesame Street, who has a habit of counting and having a distinctive "ah, ah, ah" laugh.
  • Her quotes reference Andrew Lloyd Webber's Phantom of the Opera: her summon quote a lyric from the play's title number and her attack quote a lyric from "The Music of the Night."


Countess Ashmore full

Countess Ashmore, full art


  1. Peter Whalen on Twitter. (2018-07-19). 
  2. Daxxarri (2018-04-11). The Witchwood – Mysterious Missives Part 1. Retrieved on 2018-04-13.