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Commander Bolan is a boss that can be encountered in Chapter 5 of The Dalaran Heist adventure.

Hero Power[]

Normal Heroic


Commander Bolan has no deck and will instead summon minions from turn to turn like Tad.




Commander Bolan
Uh, sentient flame creature! We could use all the help we can get! (vs. Rakanishu (hero))
Noble sethrak shaman, lend me your aid! (vs. Vessina)
Are we allied with the gnolls these days? No matter. Come! (vs. Ol' Barkeye)
Mmm, wise arakkoa. We could use your guidance! (vs. Kriziki)
Excuse me, miss cosplaying vulpera. We could use your help! (vs. Captain Eudora)
Ah! You! Brave pandaren warrior! Assist me! (vs. Mr. Chu)
Ahhh, young druid of the... rat! I require your assistance. (vs. Squeamlish)
A Tol'Vir? Here? Perhaps you could help! (vs. Tekahn)
Ah, good champion of the Light, Dalaran needs you! (vs. George the Fallen)

Emote Response

Commander Bolan
We can exchange stories after your quest is done.


Commander Bolan
Dalaran has a lot of problems, big and small. I'll take all the help I can get.
I'd do this all myself but I'm more of the delegating type.
I'm so lucky I found an adventurer like you wandering about!

Player ends the first turn

Commander Bolan
The city is never short on problems. Thanks for helping out!
There's a bunch of thieves running around. We need to prepare.

Choosing a reward

Commander Bolan
Thanks for helping out! Why don't choose a reward?
The city really splurged on these rewards! Pick your favorite.


Commander Bolan


Commander Bolan
Questing's a dangerous business. Any other takers?

Murloc Event

Turn 1

Commander Bolan
Murlocs have overrun the sewers! That's a no swim zone.

Killing a first murloc

Commander Bolan
This explains the fishy smell. I just figured you didn't bathe.

Killing Megafin

Commander Bolan
Thanks for taking care of that. Here's your rewards.

Gnoll Event

Turn 1

Commander Bolan
Hogger has made his way to Dalaran! He's a wanted gnoll!

Summon Hogger

Commander Bolan
Take out his little... Gnollings! They're protecting him!

Killing Hogger

Commander Bolan
Fine work for an adventurer.

Bear Event

Turn 1

Commander Bolan
The alchemists could use some bear livers. See what you can do.

Killing Ironfur Grizzly

Commander Bolan
That's it! Just a few more to go.

Killing Amani War Bear

Commander Bolan
Turns out there weren't any livers in them. Curious...

Turtle Event

Turn 1

Commander Bolan
Try to escort this turtle. Should take about, 5 turns.

Turn 2

Commander Bolan
Careful now! If he gets eaten it's all over!

Oasis Snapjaw is killed

Commander Bolan
Poor little one. The cycle of life can be so cruel.

Killing Giant Anaconda and Hyena

Commander Bolan
A turtle has made it to the water! Fantastic work!

Plants Event

Turn 1

Commander Bolan
The herbalists could use your aid picking some delicate flowers.

Turn 4

Commander Bolan
They'd make for a beautiful bouquet. Just watch your fingers.

Killing last The Voraxx

Commander Bolan
Not everyone is brave enough to be an Herbalist like you.


If you manage to complete his quest, you will get a choice between 3 cards listed below.



Commander Bolan full

Commander Bolan, full art
