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Command the Illidari is a common demon hunter spell card, from the Demon Hunter Initiate set.

Summoned minions[]

Illidari Initiate


This spell depicts Illidan Stormrage commanding a group of his army, the Illidari.

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The Illidari is the faction of Illidan Stormrage and represents his servants and a specific, elite faction of his army made of demon hunters. The Illidari are also known as Illidan's Forces (or Illidan's forces) or Illidan's army. It consists of various factions that have banded together under Illidan's rule. They were one of the prime enemies of the Alliance and Horde in Outland, the other being the Burning Legion. Illidan commanded vast armies throughout Outland, and even a few select groups on Azeroth.


Command the Illidari full

Command the Illidari, full art
