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Coldarra Drake is an epic mage minion card, from the Grand Tournament set.



Coldarra Drakes are blue drakes residing in the area of Coldarra.

Wowpedia iconThis section uses content from Wowpedia.
Coldarra is an island just off the coast of the Borean Tundra in Northrend, and is home to the Dragon Aspect of Magic — Malygos. He is known to gather relics of great power, keeping them locked away from mortals in his lair, the Nexus. Frozen orcs, naga, trolls, and wendigos that had dared to enter the sanctity of Malygos' lair can be found throughout the island. They remain frozen, like statues, as a warning to those who would venture into the dragon's lair.



File:Coldarra Drake full.png

Coldarra Drake, full art

Coldarra WoW

The region of Coldarra, home of the Coldarra Drake, in World of Warcraft

