Hearthstone Wiki
Hearthstone Wiki
This content is only for Tavern Brawl.
Tavern Brawl
The subject of this article is only available in Tavern Brawls.
It is a part of limited content and does not appear in any other game modes.
The subject of this article is only available in Tavern Brawls.
Brawliseum - Miniature Warfare
"A new challenge for the tiny gladiators of the Brawliseum! Build a standard deck, all your minions are 1/1 and only cost (1) mana!"

Brawliseum - Miniature Warfare is a Tavern Brawl. It debuted on March 6, 2019. For exact times, see the schedule.


Tavern Brawl Start End
195 March 6, 2019 March 11, 2019


This Tavern Brawl is a cross between what we're used to seeing for Heroic Brawls and bits of Arena.

  • You will pay an entry fee equal to an Arena run to take part in this Tavern Brawl.
  • Using cards in your own collection, you build a deck for the standard format.
  • Like Arena or a Heroic Brawl, once you lose 3 games in the Standard Brawliseum you are out.
  • Rewards will be given to players based on their performance with their deck, equal to the Arena reward structure.
  • Your first run of this brawl will be free! There's nothing to lose!



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