Hearthstone Wiki
This content is only for Tavern Brawl.
Tavern Brawl
The subject of this article is only available in Tavern Brawls.
It is a part of limited content and does not appear in any other game modes.
The subject of this article is only available in Tavern Brawls.
Brawliseum - Battle of the Bans
"The ban battle has reached the Brawliseum! Pick four cards. Your opponent will BAN one of them, then you'll make a deck full of the cards remaining."

Brawliseum - Battle of the Bans is a currently unused Tavern Brawl. For exact times, see the schedule.


This brawl was meant to debut on November 13th, 2019, but was removed due to technical difficulties and replaced with a reprisal of Top 3.[1]


This Tavern Brawl is a cross between what we're used to seeing for Heroic Brawls and bits of Arena. This brawl is Battle of the Bans variation of Your Standard Brawliseum. The brawl rules are the same as Battle of the Bans. Unlike normal Battle of the Bans, only Standard format cards can be played.

  • You will pay an entry fee equal to an Arena run to take part in this Tavern Brawl.
  • Using cards in your own collection, you build a deck for the standard format.
  • Like Arena or a Heroic Brawl, once you lose 3 games in the Standard Brawliseum you are out.
  • Rewards will be given to players based on their performance with their deck, equal to the Arena reward structure.
  • Your first run of this brawl will be free! There's nothing to lose!

Special cards[]

The Mystery Card


  • Whizbang the Wonderful and Zayle, Shadow Cloak are banned.
  • Start of Game effects will trigger before your opponent has a chance to ban cards, and will retain their effects even if banned.
  • The banned card will be replaced at random by other cards from your deck. Because of this, they don't count as having started in your deck, synergizing with Leyline Manipulator.


JournalPlease add any available information to this section.


  1. Andrew Kauz (November 13, 2019). TAVERN BRAWL TEMPORARILY DISABLED. Retrieved on 2019-11-16.
