Hearthstone Wiki
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Adapt is a keyword used in Battlegrounds.

Adapt in Battlegrounds works exactly like how it would work in any other game mode, with some exceptions (See #Notes)


Cards with Adapt[]

NameMinion typesTierAtkHealthDescription
Amalgadon All 6 6 6 Battlecry: For each different type you control among other minions, Adapt randomly.
Amalgadon All 6 12 12 Battlecry: For each different type you control among other minions, Adapt randomly, twice.
Gentle Megasaur Beast 6 5 4 Battlecry: Adapt your Murlocs.
Gentle Megasaur Beast 6 10 8 Battlecry: Adapt your Murlocs twice.
Battlegrounds minions
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BGS 069 Battlegrounds
TB BaconUps 121 Battlegrounds
BGS 031 Battlegrounds
TB BaconUps 084 Battlegrounds