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Archmage Kalec is a boss that can be encountered in Chapter 5 of The Dalaran Heist adventure.

Hero Power[]

Normal Heroic


The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

Total cards Normal Heroic
Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity
40 Mage Ray of Frost 2 Mage Arcane Blast 2
Shooting Star 2 Arcane Missiles 2
Pyros 1 Babbling Book 2
Research Project 2 Shooting Star 2
Explosive Runes 2 Arcane Explosion 2
Flamewaker 2 Primordial Glyph 1
Mana Bind 2 Sorcerer's Apprentice 2
Stargazer Luna 1 Cinderstorm 2
Unexpected Results 2 Explosive Runes 2
Twilight Flamecaller 2 Stargazer Luna 1
Vex Crow 2 Unexpected Results 2
Cabalist's Tome 2 Flamewaker 2
Ethereal Conjurer 2 Vex Crow 2
Deck of Wonders 2 Cabalist's Tome 2
Blizzard 2 Ethereal Conjurer 2
Firelands Portal 2 Firelands Portal 2
Greater Arcane Missiles 1 Rhonin 1
Rhonin 1 Dragoncaller Alanna 1
Dragoncaller Alanna 1 Kalecgos 1
Kalecgos 1 Neutral Archmage Vargoth 1
Pyroblast 1 Azerite Elemental 2
Neutral Archmage Vargoth 1 Azure Drake 2
Sunreaver Warmage 2 Arcane Dynamo 1
Arcane Dynamo 2 Malygos 1


Before match

Arch-Villain Rafaam
Beware! Kalec is secretly a blue dragon. It’s not a big secret. It’s on his ID.
Kalec is a blue dragon in human form. Don’t give him a chance to spread his wings.
Kalec is the very incarnation of magic. Move quickly, before he saws someone in half.
Kalec will summon dragons to utterly destroy you! Do not worry. I will be fine.


Archmage Kalec
You have reason to be frightened, invader!

Emote Response

Archmage Kalec
In all my years, and I've never heard such nonsense.

Turn 1-3

Archmage Kalec
You don't understand the consequences of your actions.
Dalaran is not a toy to steal. People's lives are at stake.
Dalaran could have been your home too.

Hero Power

Archmage Kalec
Behold the might of Dragonwrath!
Feel the wrath of Kalecgos!
The arcane bends to my command.
This city is under my protection.
Tremble before me!
You tangle with powers beyond your comprehension.

Boss cards

Archmage Kalec
Azure Drake
Come, my allies. Aid me!
Silence card
I deny your magic.
Minion with Spell Damage
I will show you the power of the Spell-Weaver.

Player's cards

Archmage Kalec
Mage spell
You are merely a novice.
Arcane spell
If only you had proper training.
You have promise. A shame you choose to waste it.
Frost Lich Jaina
Jaina?! Well... this is awkward.
Alexstrasza, how have you been?
I've stopped you once Malygos, I will do it again.
The Timeless One flies with us once more.
Ah, Ysera. It is good to see you again.
You'd ally yourself with the Destroyer? Have you no bounds?


Archmage Kalec
If only Jaina were here...
You seem troubled.
You shouldn't be wasting time in such circumstances.


Archmage Kalec


Archmage Kalec
You're going to spend a looong time in the Violet Hold.


Wowpedia iconThis section uses content from Wowpedia.
Kalecgos is the former Aspect of the blue dragonflight, after the death of Malygos. His mortal form is half-human, half-elven calling himself Kalec. Due to the blues being most in tune with magic of all the dragonflights, Kalec has the powers of a sorcerer and the strength of a warrior.
Prior to the Nexus War, Kalecgos was Malygos' investigator, and became involved in the search for residual energies of the Sunwell. He opposed Malygos' war against mortal spellcasters and became the blue dragonflight's ambassador to the Wyrmrest Accord.
During the events of the War against the Lich King, Kalec decided to not stand with Malygos. He allied himself with Alexstrasza and the Wyrmrest Accord to help stop his former master.
With the rise of Deathwing during the Cataclysm, Kalecgos was named the new Aspect of Magic and aided his fellow Aspects and the mortal adventurers in the battle with the Aspect of Death. After his defeat the blue dragons went their separate ways; Kalec has joined the Kirin Tor and now resides in Dalaran to pursue a relationship with its new leader, Jaina. He has since become one of the Council of Six.

This art depicts Kalecgos in his mortal form; he is depicted in his dragon form as Kalecgos.


Archmage Kalec full

Archmage Kalec, full art
