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Archivist Oshi is a boss that can be encountered in Chapter 5 of The Dalaran Heist adventure.

Hero Power[]

Normal Heroic


The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

These decks correspond only to level 6. If this boss is encountered on levels 4-5, her deck will be missing 5 random cards.

Normal Heroic
Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity
Priest Flash Heal 2 Priest Shadow Word: Pain 1
Holy Smite 2 Spirit Lash 2
Light of the Naaru 2 Gilded Gargoyle 2
Radiant Elemental 2 Shadow Word: Death 1
Resurrect 2 Tortollan Shellraiser 2
Spirit Lash 2 Mass Hysteria 1
Mirage Caller 2 Coffin Crasher 2
Holy Champion 2 Lightbomb 1
Lightspawn 2 Shadow Essence 2
Onyx Bishop 2 Lesser Diamond Spellstone 1
Lesser Diamond Spellstone 1 Obsidian Statue 2
Prophet Velen 1 Neutral Injured Kvaldir 2
Obsidian Statue 2 Injured Blademaster 2
Neutral Lightwarden 2 Vryghoul 2
Mistress of Mixtures 2 Feugen 1
Malygos 1 Skelemancer 2
Ysera 1 Stalagg 1
Sylvanas Windrunner 1
Sneed's Old Shredder 1
The Lich King 1


Before match

Arch-Villain Rafaam
Ah, Dalaran's archivist. Keeping alive the memories of the dead.


Archivist Oshi
Intruders? Here? That's a first.
Oh, I've read about you. You're awful. (vs. Tekahn)
A tragic hero. This does not end well. For anyone. (vs. George the Fallen)
Look at this STUFF TO BURN!

Emote Response

Archivist Oshi
I've heard that one before.

Hero Power

Archivist Oshi
Resurrection of 0-7 mana minions
Ah, yes. And so it goes.
Have you already forgotten?
History repeats itself.
The cycle continues.
Resurrection of 8+ mana minions
I've read tales of this one.
So quick we are to forget.


Archivist Oshi
I could have sworn I've read about this before...
Why does this all seem so familiar...
Chronicles of evil, Vol 3? No...

Boss' minion for 7+ mana

Archivist Oshi
History will remember the tales of this one.

Player's cards

Archivist Oshi
Continuum Collider
Playing with time is dangerous. Be careful.
Time Warp
Perhaps time is not so predictable.
A shame he was tainted by the dark.


Archivist Oshi
Not... again... (moans)


Archivist Oshi
This seems... familiar.


Archivist Oshi is unique to Hearthstone.


Archivist Oshi full

Archivist Oshi, full art
