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For the removed card, see Arcane Blast (removed).

Arcane Blast is an epic mage spell card, from the Grand Tournament set.


"Each blast of arcane power strikes its target more quickly than the last."

Arcane Blast is an arcane mage ability from World of Warcraft. In WoW, each successive blast deals more damage than the last. This is likely represented by the card's effect; scaling its damage faster than other spells.


  • This card and Master of Ceremonies were the first Spell Damage-synergy cards to be added to the game.
  • Another card of the same name was removed during the game's alpha, some time prior to June 2013. The former Arcane Blast was a 1 mana mage spell with the text "Deal 1 damage. Draw a card."


File:Arcane Blast TGT full.png

Arcane Blast, full art
