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You might be looking for one of these cards: Alarm-o-Bot (Classic).

Alarm-o-Bot is a rare neutral minion card, from the Legacy set.

Other versions

How to get

Card packsOpen one of these card packs:
Classic Pack
Golden Classic Pack
Wild Pack
Golden Wild
1~2 (random)
CraftingCraft a Regular copy for 100 DustRegular1
CraftingCraft a Golden copy for 800 DustGolden1


To edit these notes, go to Template:Alarm-o-Bot notes.

  • The Alarm-o-Bot's triggered effect happens at the start of your turn, prior to drawing a card.
  • Alarm-o-Bot's triggered effect returns it to the player's hand, and in exchange places a minion from the controlling player's hand directly into play. Any Battlecries or Choose One effects on the new minion therefore will not be activated.
  • If you do not have a minion in hand the Alarm-o-Bot will simply remain on the board. Its triggered effect will continue to attempt to activate at the start of each of the controlling player's turns.
    • Alarm-o-Bot's trigger has a queuing and trigger condition of 'controller is holding a minion'. For example, if you have 0 minions and your LegacyNat Pagle (played first) draws a minion at the start of your turn, your Alarm-o-Bot (played second) will not trigger since it never queued.[1]
  • Alarm-o-Bot works even if both your battlefield and hand are full.[2]


  • ▶️ EX1_006_AlarmOBot_EnterPlay1.wav <summon sound>
  • ▶️ EX1_006_AlarmOBot_Attack1.wav <attack sound>
  • ▶️ EX1_006_AlarmOBot_Death2.wav <death sound>


Wowpedia iconThis section uses content from Wowpedia.
Gnomes live underground, and the natural darkness and rugged terrain of their surroundings provide ideal conditions for enemies to hide. In an effort to catch prowling and skulking creatures of all types, gnomes developed the alarm-o-bot. The small robot looks like a child's toy with various wires and sensor arrays jutting out in all directions, enabling it to “see” in the dark. When it detects a living creature, or any sort of movement, it emits a high-pitched warning. The leper gnomes in Gnomeregan make heavy use of this device.
The alarm-o-bot's operator can program the device to either stand in place or walk a predetermined, simple path involving no more than four turns. The alarm-o-bot cannot maneuver around obstacles; if it encounters terrain more than a few inches higher or lower, it stops moving, but remains vigilant. Setting up the bot, or changing its movement pattern, requires 5 minutes of programming and testing. The alarm-o-bot's detection abilities are entirely visual; it cannot detect sounds. The bot “sees” any motion, heat, or even unusual shifts in air currents, allowing it to detect invisible creatures or those shrouded in magical darkness. If it detects anything suspicious, it immediately shrieks “INTRUDER ALERT!” and flashes a bright red light for 30 seconds.


  • The artwork for this card comes from the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game "Dungeon Decks 2011 Treasure" series, for the card Crime Scene Alarm-O-Bot.
  • Gallery

    Patch changes

    External links

  • PlayHearthstone
  • HSReplay.net
  • Hearthpwn
  • OutOf.Cards
  • References[]
