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Times up, let's do this!

Aggro Paladin is an aggressive Paladin deck type. It relies on swarming the board with low-cost minions and buffing them up.


While aggro-style Paladin decks have been used mainly in the form of Murloc Paladin, a general, less synergy-dependent aggro Paladin began seeing more play in Kobolds and Catacombs, largely from the introduction of Kobolds & CatacombsCall to Arms. Following The Witchwood, this version of Aggro Paladin fell out in favour of Odd and Even Paladin.

With the rotation of LegacyDivine Favor, the deck appeared to lose a lot of strength. However, it made a comeback in Saviors of Uldum thanks to the fuel provided by Saviors of UldumSir Finley of the Sands, Saviors of UldumZephrys the Great, and Saviors of UldumOctosari.

Common cards[]

The following cards are usually in the deck.

Core cards[]

The following cards are played in most or all versions of the deck:

Argent Squire
Beaming Sidekick
Blessing of Might
Brazen Zealot
Micro Mummy
Sandwasp Queen
Sir Finley of the Sands
Zephrys the Great
History Buff
Salhet's Pride
Blessing of Kings
Leeroy Jenkins

Optional cards[]

The following cards are played more than occasionally, but not always:

Blessing of Wisdom
Jar Dealer
Southsea Deckhand
Dire Wolf Alpha
Knife Juggler
Replicating Menace
Truesilver Champion
Prince Liam
Avenging Wrath
Tirion Fordring

Wild cards[]

Wild cards that fit well into this deck type:

Acherus Veteran
Lost in the Jungle
Righteous Protector
Haunted Creeper
Shielded Minibot
Ship's Cannon
Divine Favor
Muster for Battle
Seal of Champions
Steward of Darkshire
Unidentified Maul
Keeper of Uldaman
Call to Arms
Cobalt Scalebane
Sunkeeper Tarim
Corridor Creeper