Hearthstone Wiki

A lists of all Gameplay - TITANS achievements can be found here.

Completing all of these rewards the player a total of 17700 Rewards Track - XPReward XP and 1260 Achievement Pointachievement points.

Achievement Category 2


Achievement SubCategory 174 logo



Death Knight

(Total: 1100 Rewards Track - XP,80 Achievement Point)
IdNameDescriptionRewardsRelated cards
5666It's All Runes to MePlay 25 cards created by The Primus.200 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointThe Primus
5667Too Cold to HoldMake your opponent overdraw 10 cards with Frozen Over.200 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointFrozen Over
5668SuperspreaderShuffle 50 Plagues into your opponent's deck.100 Rewards Track - XP, 10 Achievement PointDistressed Kvaldir, Down with the Ship, Helya, Staff of the Primus
5669SuperspreaderShuffle 100 Plagues into your opponent's deck.100 Rewards Track - XP, 10 Achievement PointDistressed Kvaldir, Down with the Ship, Helya, Staff of the Primus
5670SuperspreaderShuffle 200 Plagues into your opponent's deck.500 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointDistressed Kvaldir, Down with the Ship, Helya, Staff of the Primus

Demon Hunter

(Total: 1100 Rewards Track - XP,80 Achievement Point)
IdNameDescriptionRewardsRelated cards
5651Night at the ConservatorySummon and awaken a Crystaline Statue on the same turn.200 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointCrystalline Statue
5652Howling at the Fel MoonForce 40 enemy minions to attack Mythical Terror.200 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointMythical Terror
5653Express Order ArguniteDraw 40 Casts When Drawn spells as Demon Hunter.100 Rewards Track - XP, 10 Achievement Point
5654Express Order ArguniteDraw 80 Casts When Drawn spells as Demon Hunter.100 Rewards Track - XP, 10 Achievement Point
5655Express Order ArguniteDraw 120 Casts When Drawn spells as Demon Hunter.500 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement Point


(Total: 1100 Rewards Track - XP,80 Achievement Point)
IdNameDescriptionRewardsRelated cards
5656All Grown UpTransform 6 Treants into Ancients with a single Ancient of Growth.200 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointAncient of Growth
5657Garden of LifePlay 25 spells that Blossomed from Seedlings.100 Rewards Track - XP, 10 Achievement PointForest Seedlings, Frost Lotus Seedling
5658Garden of LifePlay 50 spells that Blossomed from Seedlings.100 Rewards Track - XP, 10 Achievement PointForest Seedlings, Frost Lotus Seedling
5659Sincerest Form of FlatteryCopy 40 cards with Freya.200 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointFreya, Keeper of Nature
5660Garden of LifePlay 100 spells that Blossomed from Seedlings.500 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointForest Seedlings, Frost Lotus Seedling


(Total: 1100 Rewards Track - XP,80 Achievement Point)
IdNameDescriptionRewardsRelated cards
5661Oh Dear, HodirPlay 50 minions that cost (2) or less that were blessed by Hodir, Father of Giants.200 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointHodir, Father of Giants
5662Tall TalesTrigger a single Observer of Myths' effect 5 times.200 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointObserver of Myths
5663ALWAYS.Deal 40 damage to the enemy hero with Always a Bigger Jormungar.100 Rewards Track - XP, 10 Achievement PointAlways a Bigger Jormungar
5664ALWAYS.Deal 80 damage to the enemy hero with Always a Bigger Jormungar.100 Rewards Track - XP, 10 Achievement PointAlways a Bigger Jormungar
5665ALWAYS.Deal 120 damage to the enemy hero with Always a Bigger Jormungar.500 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointAlways a Bigger Jormungar


(Total: 1100 Rewards Track - XP,80 Achievement Point)
IdNameDescriptionRewardsRelated cards
5671Off the ChainDraw 50 cards with Unchained Gladiator.200 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointUnchained Gladiator
5672Reading RainbowSummon 7 Vortexes with one Elemental Inspiration.200 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointElemental Inspiration
5673This IS My Final FormUse 1 of Norgannon's abilities at max power.100 Rewards Track - XP, 10 Achievement PointNorgannon
5674This IS My Final FormUse 2 of Norgannon's abilities at max power.100 Rewards Track - XP, 10 Achievement PointNorgannon
5675This IS My Final FormUse 3 of Norgannon's abilities at max power.500 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointNorgannon


(Total: 1100 Rewards Track - XP,80 Achievement Point)
IdNameDescriptionRewardsRelated cards
5676Not Just a BoulderSummon an 14-Attack Earthen Golem.200 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointDisciple of Amitus, Earthen Golem, Stoneheart King
5677Legends Never DieResurrect 3 Legendary minions with a single Tyr's battlecry.200 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointTyr
5678Why Not 22?Return 20 Mechs to your hand with X-21 Repairbot.100 Rewards Track - XP, 10 Achievement PointX-21 Repairbot
5679Why Not 22?Return 40 Mechs to your hand with X-21 Repairbot.100 Rewards Track - XP, 10 Achievement PointX-21 Repairbot
5680Why Not 22?Return 60 Mechs to your hand with X-21 Repairbot.500 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointX-21 Repairbot


(Total: 1100 Rewards Track - XP,80 Achievement Point)
IdNameDescriptionRewardsRelated cards
5681Mercury in RetrogradePlay an 7-Attack Astral Automaton.200 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointAstral Automaton
5682Stars, Can't Do ItTransform 50 minions in your hand with The Stars Align.200 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointThe Stars Align
5683Highfather ProblemsPlay 15 Legendary minions created by Aman'Thul.100 Rewards Track - XP, 10 Achievement PointAman'Thul
5684Highfather ProblemsPlay 30 Legendary minions created by Aman'Thul.100 Rewards Track - XP, 10 Achievement PointAman'Thul
5685Highfather ProblemsPlay 60 Legendary minions created by Aman'Thul.500 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointAman'Thul


(Total: 1100 Rewards Track - XP,80 Achievement Point)
IdNameDescriptionRewardsRelated cards
5686MAXIMUM OVERDRIVEPlay a Gear Shift with no other cards in you hand.200 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointGear Shift
5687Gadgets and Gizmos AplentyPlay all 6 of Mimiron's Gadgets.200 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointMimiron, the Mastermind
5688Oil SpillDeal 50 extra damage to minions with the effect of Tar Slick.100 Rewards Track - XP, 10 Achievement PointTar Slick
5689Oil SpillDeal 100 extra damage to minions with the effect of Tar Slick.100 Rewards Track - XP, 10 Achievement PointTar Slick
5690Oil SpillDeal 200 extra damage to minions with the effect of Tar Slick.500 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointTar Slick


(Total: 1100 Rewards Track - XP,80 Achievement Point)
IdNameDescriptionRewardsRelated cards
5691You've Been…Play a 0-Cost Crash of Thunder.200 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointCrash of Thunder
5692If They be WorthyDestroy the enemy hero with Tempest Hammer.200 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointTempest Hammer
5693Azeroth's Mightiest HeroDraw 25 cards with Thorim, Stormlord.100 Rewards Track - XP, 10 Achievement PointThorim, Stormlord
5694Azeroth's Mightiest HeroDraw 50 cards with Thorim, Stormlord.100 Rewards Track - XP, 10 Achievement PointThorim, Stormlord
5695Azeroth's Mightiest HeroDraw 100 cards with Thorim, Stormlord.500 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointThorim, Stormlord


(Total: 1100 Rewards Track - XP,80 Achievement Point)
IdNameDescriptionRewardsRelated cards
5696Fee-fi-fo-fumSummon a Giant with 12 or more Attack from Forge of Wills.200 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointForge of Wills
5697Package DealDestroy 4 minions with one Mortal Eradication.200 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointMortal Eradication
5698Nether Gonna Give You UpSummon 30 minions created by Sargeras' portal to the Twisting Nether.100 Rewards Track - XP, 10 Achievement PointSargeras, the Destroyer
5699Nether Gonna Give You UpSummon 60 minions created by Sargeras' portal to the Twisting Nether.100 Rewards Track - XP, 10 Achievement PointSargeras, the Destroyer
5700Nether Gonna Give You UpSummon 120 minions created by Sargeras' portal to the Twisting Nether.500 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointSargeras, the Destroyer


(Total: 1100 Rewards Track - XP,80 Achievement Point)
IdNameDescriptionRewardsRelated cards
5701From the ArmooryGain 20 Armor with a single Minotauren.200 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointMinotauren
5702Trust FallGive +200/+200 to Val'kyr with Test of Loyalty.200 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointTrial by Fire
5703Divine InterventionAttack and destroy 25 enemy minions with Khaz'goroth.100 Rewards Track - XP, 10 Achievement PointKhaz'goroth
5704Divine InterventionAttack and destroy 50 enemy minions with Khaz'goroth.100 Rewards Track - XP, 10 Achievement PointKhaz'goroth
5705Divine InterventionAttack and destroy 100 enemy minions with Khaz'goroth.500 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointKhaz'goroth


(Total: 5600 Rewards Track - XP,380 Achievement Point)
IdNameDescriptionRewardsRelated cards
5706How Did THAT Get in There?Draw 25 cards with Sharp-Eyed Seeker.100 Rewards Track - XP, 10 Achievement PointSharp-Eyed Seeker
5707How Did THAT Get in There?Draw 50 cards with Sharp-Eyed Seeker.100 Rewards Track - XP, 10 Achievement PointSharp-Eyed Seeker
5708How Did THAT Get in There?Draw 75 cards with Sharp-Eyed Seeker.500 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointSharp-Eyed Seeker
5709Hammer Time!Forge 50 cards.100 Rewards Track - XP, 10 Achievement Point
5710Hammer Time!Forge 100 cards.100 Rewards Track - XP, 10 Achievement Point
5711Hammer Time!Forge 200 cards.500 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement Point
5712Meet Your MakersUse 40 Titan abilities.100 Rewards Track - XP, 10 Achievement Point
5713Meet Your MakersUse 80 Titan abilities.100 Rewards Track - XP, 10 Achievement Point
5714Meet Your MakersUse 160 Titan abilities.500 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement Point
5715Ulduar Holiday Light ShowPlay 4 unique Sparkbots.200 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointDrone Deconstructor, From the Scrapheap
5716Ulduar Holiday Light ShowPlay all 8 unique Sparkbots.500 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointDrone Deconstructor, From the Scrapheap
5717… And the Giants Shall AnswerSummon 60 Frost Tyrants from Son of Hodir.200 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointSon of Hodir
5718Staves and Swords and Bows Oh My!Discover a weapon from 5 different classes with Runefueled Golem.200 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointRunefueled Golem
5719Staves and Swords and Bows Oh My!Discover a weapon from 11 different classes with Runefueled Golem.500 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointRunefueled Golem
5720Unstable ConnectionPlay 30 temporary minions from Celestial Projectionist.200 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointCelestial Projectionist
5721Ribbits and RibbytesHave Mecha-Leaper's deathrattle trigger 10 times in one game.200 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointMecha-Leaper
5722Judgement DayDestroy 15 targeted minions with the Prison of Yogg-Saron.100 Rewards Track - XP, 10 Achievement PointPrison of Yogg-Saron
5723Judgement DayDestroy 30 targeted minions with the Prison of Yogg-Saron.100 Rewards Track - XP, 10 Achievement PointPrison of Yogg-Saron
5724Judgement DayDestroy 60 targeted minions with the Prison of Yogg-Saron.500 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointPrison of Yogg-Saron
5725OUTATIMEPlay 30 Dragons created by Time-Lost Protodrake.200 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointTime-Lost Protodrake
5726The First TotemAttack 25 times with Ancient Totem.200 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointAncient Totem
5727And Melt With YouPlay 5 0-Cost Storm Giants in one game.200 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointStorm Giant
5728But This One is MineDestroy the enemy hero with a custom weapon made from Ignis, the Eternal Flame.200 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement PointIgnis, the Eternal Flame

Patch changes[]
