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This content is only for Tavern Brawl.
Tavern Brawl
The subject of this article is only available in Tavern Brawls.
It is a part of limited content and does not appear in any other game modes.
The subject of this article is only available in Tavern Brawls.
A Recipe of Tenacity!
"Take to the challenges of the Barrens! Choose a class and enjoy the latest deck recipes!"

A Recipe of Tenacity! is a Tavern Brawl. It debuted on April 7th, 2021.


Tavern Brawl Start End
304 April 7, 2021 April 14, 2021


This Brawl sees players competing with pre-made decks, matching Forged in the Barrens-themed Deck Recipes. Before each game the player chooses a class, which also determines their deck. All matches within this Brawl are played on the Forged in the Barrens battlefield.

Deck Recipes[]

The pre-made decks used in the Brawl match the Deck Recipes added with Forged in the Barrens, as suggested to players when creating new decks.

  • Demon Hunter: Rattling Rascals
    • "Fight hard for the board with sticky Deathrattles, then crush your opponent with Death Speaker Blackthorn!"
    • Deck code: AAEBAea5AwK/7QOc7gMO2cYD1cgDgtADzNIDyd0D194DkOQDmOoDmeoDu+0DvO0D/e0Dtp8E0p8EAA==
  • Druid: Get Buff with Guff
    • "Guff's training regimen is playing Taunt minions, then buffing them with Nature spells. The Barrens has tons of both!"
    • Deck code: AAEBAZICBPG6A6bhA8LsA/vtAw3mugPXvgObzgPw1AOL5AOM5AOt7AO17AO57AOK7QOHnwSunwTWoAQA
  • Hunter: Raptor Frenzy!
    • "Raptors have invaded the Barrens! Help Tavish tame them by summoning as many as you can from your deck!"
    • Deck code: AAEBAR8Eg7kDwdADouwDu6AEDf+6A+/hA5bjA+rpA9vqA5rsA/DsA5TuA6mfBLygBL2gBL6gBL+gBAA=
  • Mage: Magical Duo
  • Paladin: Cariel's Chosen
    • "Cariel Roame will reduce the cost of your Holy spells every time she attacks. Keep her alive to take every advantage you can!"
    • Deck code: AAEBAZ8FAojeA5HsAw7KuAP9uAPquQPruQPsuQPKwQOezQO/0QPK0QPM6wPV6wPj6wOcnwTJoAQA
  • Priest: Power of the Sun
    • "This deck is blessed by An'she, the sun god. Use these healing powers to strengthen Xyrella!"
    • Deck code: AAEBAa0GAvvoA9TtAw6TugOvugPezAPXzgPi3gP73wPK4QOX6wOZ6wOa6wOb6wOd6wOe6wOFnwQA
  • Rogue: Scabbs' Scoundrels
    • "Scabbs Cutterbutter and his band of scoundrels is recruiting. Join his cohort of Battlecry and Combo minions, and make sure you play as mane of then as you can!"
    • Deck code: AAEBAaIHBNnRA5fnA6frA53wAw2qywOk0QPf3QPn3QPz3QOo6wOr6wORnwT1nwT2nwT3nwTuoATvoAQA
  • Shaman: Bru'kan's Thunder
    • Deck code: AAEBAaoIAtDOA+LsAw7buAOYuQOmywPNzgPw1AOn3gOq3gOH5AOK5APg7AOt7gOv7gP5nwT9nwQA
    • "Wield the mighty power of the elements with Bru'kan at your side! Cast devastating lightning spells, then seize the board with powerful Elementals."
  • Warlock: Roaming Souls
  • Warrior: Feel the Rush
    • "Warsong Commander and Gruntled Patron can handle even the largest board of small minions. Use them with E.T.C. to deliver a knockout punch!"
    • Deck code: AAEBAQcEk9ADzt4D++gDle0DDbu5A8C5A+LMA7beA8HeA9XoA/boA43tA47tA5jtA62fBIegBIigBAA=


JournalPlease add any available information to this section.


  • This is the first 'recipe' tavern brawl to break the "A(n) [adjective] Recipe" naming scheme.
