The subject of this article is only available in Tavern Brawls.
It is a part of limited content and does not appear in any other game modes.
The subject of this article is only available in Tavern Brawls.
- "Take up arms and fight for Stormwind! Choose a class and enjoy the latest deck recipes!"
A Recipe United! is a Tavern Brawl. It debuted on September 1st, 2021.
Tavern Brawl | Start | End |
325 | September 1, 2021 | September 8, 2021 |
This Brawl sees players competing with pre-made decks, matching United in Stormwind-themed Deck Recipes. Before each game the player chooses a class, which also determines their deck. All matches within this Brawl are played on the United in Stormwind battlefield.
Deck Recipes[]
The pre-made decks used in the Brawl match the Deck Recipes added with United in Stormwind, as suggested to players when creating new decks.
- Demon Hunter: Ferocious Felrattlers
- "Every Fel spell you cast will power up Jace Darkweaver. Unleash a barrage of them on your opponents!"
- Deck code: AAECAea5AwbX3gO/7QP97QOv7wON9wOZ+QMM2cYDyd0D8+MD9+gDu+0DvO0DqO8DwvEDifcDi/cDjPcDtp8EAA==
- Druid: Out of my Woods!
- "Gain Attack with your Hero to complete this Questline and protect the park!"
- Deck code: AAECAZICAqbhA/zoAw7XvgPevgOSzQO50gPK4wOM5AP36AO57AOI9APJ9QP09gOB9wOE9wPWoAQA
- Hunter: Dwarven Defense
- "Demons have descended on the Dwarven District! After you cast enough damage-dealing spells to repel them, Tavish will aid you!"
- Deck code: AAECAR8Gj+MDn+wD5e8D/fgD458El6AEDPvOA7nQA/7RA43kA4/kA5boA9zqA9vtA/f4A6mfBKqfBLugBAA=
- Mage: Sorcerer's Gambit
- "Become an Archmage alongside Dawngrasp by casting Fire, Frost and Arcane spells!"
- Deck code: AAECAf0EBODMA7b3A+j3A/T8Aw3BuAPHzgPNzgP30QPU6gPQ7APR7AOn9wOu9wOy9wP8ngT9ngTonwQA
- Paladin: Knights of Stormwind
- "Team up with Highlord Fordragon to defend Stormwind. Buff every minion in your hand to keep up the pressure on your foes!"
- Priest: Shadow's Embrace
- "Not all Priests are Holy. Darkbishop Benedictus will offer you the power of Shadowform with this deck!"
- Deck code: AAECAa0GBMbRA+fRA7v3A7+ABA2wugPevgObzQPXzgO70QPP0QOL1QPK4wOK9AOj9wOt9wPvnwTboAQA
- Rogue: Spymaster's Toolkit
- "Scabbs needs your help discovering the secrets of the SI:7! Use his Spy Gizmos to outwit your opponents!"
- Deck code: AAECAaIHBMPhA6rrA6b5A8f5Aw25uAPPuQOqywPf3QPn3QPz3QOf9AOh9AOi9AOj9QOm9QP1nwT2nwQA
- Shaman: Command the Elements
- "Once you help Bru'kan master every element, he will power up your cards so that they play twice!"
- Deck code: AAECAaoIApzOA8L2Aw7buAPhzAPNzgPw1AOK5APq5wP67APj7gPB9gPk9gPN+QOF+gP5nwT6nwQA
- Warlock: Complete the Ritual
- "Help Tamsin summon the mighty Anetheron by filling your hand. Stormwind will soon be yours!"
- Deck code: AAECAf0GBMD5A8f5A4T7A4f7Aw2bzQPXzgPB0QOL1QOT5APY7QPw7QPx7QOI7wPG+QOD+wOxnwTnoAQA
- Warrior: Big Bruisers
- "Some of the mightiest minions have set their sights on Stormwind. With this deck, you can join their crew!"
- Deck code: AAECAQcIwLkD87sD+cIDitADq9QDxvUDzPkDiKAEC7i5A/bCA+LMA6fOA9LRA7beA47tA4/tA8T1A/iABImgBAA=
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