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This content is only for Tavern Brawl.
Tavern Brawl
The subject of this article is only available in Tavern Brawls.
It is a part of limited content and does not appear in any other game modes.
The subject of this article is only available in Tavern Brawls.
A Dark Recipe
"Care for a taste of the Old God's power? Pick a class and we'll give you a taste of the Old God's Recipe for that class to do battle!"

A Dark Recipe is a Tavern Brawl. It debuted on August 10, 2016.


Tavern Brawl Start End
61 August 10, 2016 August 15, 2016


This Brawl sees players competing with pre-made decks, matching Old God-themed Deck Recipes, with most built around a specific Old God minion. Before each game the player chooses a class, which also determines their deck. At the beginning of each player's first turn, the recipe's flavor text is displayed to both players, providing an overview of the deck's contents and strategy. All matches within this Brawl are played on the Whispers of the Old Gods battlefield.

Deck Recipes[]

The pre-made decks used in the Brawl match the Deck Recipes added with Whispers of the Old Gods, as suggested to players when creating new decks.

  • Druid: The Ancient Gods
    • "Use the Druid's Mana-generating spells to summon the servants of the Old Gods way ahead of schedule."
    • Deck code: AAEBAZICAtisAsmvAg5A3hWTrQLdrQKLrwLLrwLUrwLirwKusAKJnwSunwS4oASA1ASB1AQA
  • Hunter: Whispers of Death
    • "Do not fear death, hero; your minions are useful to you both alive and dead. Keep trading your minions for theirs; you will eventually overwhelm them."
    • Deck code: AAEBAR8GuQ3VFuCsAv6vAuOfBOSfBAyoAtsJ/gzmFucWuK0Czq4C268C4J8EoaAEu6AEidQEAA==
  • Mage: Madness and Magic
    • "Cast as many spells as possible. Each one will fuel the reawakening of Yogg-Saron!"
    • Deck code: AAEBAf0EBk24CImsAumsAv6eBKTUBAyVA7QE5gSWBeMRixSNrAKOrAKSrALFrgL9ngShoAQA
  • Paladin: Shields Up!
    • "Protect your minions with Divine Shield and they'll be able to take on two enemies at a time!"
    • Deck code: AAEBAZ8FArwV7Z8EDvMFuhOdFeYW1K4C2a4C/a4C/68Cmp8E658E7p8ElaAEn6AEoaAEAA==
  • Priest: C'Thun's Clutch
    • "Heal your minions to keep them alive long enough to see the rise of the horrific C'Thun!"
    • Deck code: AAEBAa0GBNisAouvAsmvAoSfBA3tAeUE0gqUFJ2sApOtAuyuAsuvAtSvAvmwAsGfBJCgBPTTBAA=
  • Rogue: Echoes of Death
    • "Trade your minions aggressively! Most of them give you an advantage when they're killed, so sacrifice away."
    • Deck code: AAEBAaIHCooGuQ3zEYOsAuCsArKtAoCvArGvAtyvAo+gBArLFuYW8rACkZ8Ekp8E9Z8EoaAE6qAEpNQEvZ4GAA==
  • Shaman: Minion Evolution
    • "Summon as many minions as possible before evolving them! Evolve minions that have already done work for you to maximize their value!"
    • Deck code: AAEBAaoIBsoW+aoCwq4CjZ8E+p8E/58EDNIR0ROyFLwU1Rb6qgL1rALgsAKMnwSvnwT9nwTBngYA
  • WarlockAncient Hordes
    • "Bolster your armies with the innumerable minions of the Old Gods. Swarm the board with smaller minions to overwhelm your opponent."
    • Deck code: AAEBAa35AwKkFZjUBA6xCM8Wlmi0rAK2rAKKrQKEoASRoASboASfoATooAT50wT60wSi1AQA
  • Warrior: Serve the Old Gods
    • "Protect yourself as your devotion to C'Thun grows. Amass enough armor that your opponent's effort become futile before the Old Gods!"
    • Deck code: AAEBAQcE2KwCi68Cya8Cj9QEDZADgq0Ck60C1K8C8a8CrrACnp8En58EhqAEh6AEiaAEjtQEnNQEAA==


JournalPlease add any available information to this section.


A Dark Recipe screenshot

Each Recipe's description is shown at the start of the match
